miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

My biography

Hello there! My name is Vanina Muñoz. I'm 19 years old and I'm a veterianary medicine student at Universidad de Chile. Before this I studied at Antilhue's elementary school, from kinder garden to eighth grade. Then I studied at Liceo Isaura Dinator de Guzmán's high school, from ninth to twelfth grade.
I prepared my "university selection test" (PSU) at Jose Carrasco Tapia's pre-university.
The first time that I did the university selection test I reached the veterianrian's score, so in 2010 I tried to do it again. I really wanted to study here, in this place, and I did my best effort to get it.
Now I'm here, studying what I really want to be in the future: be a veterinarian.

I forgot to tell you that I like rock, pop and electronic music. Also, I like to go the beach when I'm exhausted.
I really want to learn more about English because this is the universal language and in every corner of the world there are people who know to speak in this awesome language.
I hope to enjoy this course. English is something that a veterianrian should know.

3 comentarios:

  1. Is very nice that you have worked for something that really like you.

  2. wow you are a real veterinarian, your vocation is very big, congratulation :)

  3. vanina hello is very interesting your blog
