jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

...... Summer Holidays *_*.......

Hi everybody! Today I will write about my summer holidays as my final post for you :)
Mmmm... When I was a child I remember that I always liked to sleep to 12 or 1 o`clock p.m.zzzz.... . Well also I went with my family to Pichicuy. It´s a Valparaíso`s beach. In that place my parents rented a house and we enjoyed the sea, the sun, and to be all together.
Also, I went with my family to the country for to visit my relatives, in Til-Til. There is a very good place to become in "Indiana jones" and get out exploring.

In this month like all of you (I think) I feel really tired, dreaming the summer holidays, etc. And the only day that I want is the February third, because on that date at five o`clock, I go to my free days, the summer holidays.... my precious days of rest....
My plans are, in the first place, go with my boyfriend´s family to Viña del Mar, and then go back to Santiago and again go out to Coquimbo to visit my brother and his family.
Also I have to study to others test that I have.

In some years more I would like to visit Palawan, a Philippine island, (I published more about these before), I think is something achievable in some years more. Working hard I will be millionary (I hope so).
Also I want to be a hermit and walk around the world visiting no overdrafts places.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

"You Tube" My favorite site on internet

Hi there!
Today I`m going to write about my favorite site on internet.
Is difficult to me put as first place on the top five ranking something that is not Facebook. But well here I go...
In "second-first place" I choose You Tube.

I don`t remember when I knew this page, but I think was on 2000`s when I was a young girl.
 Usually I visit YouTube website two or three twice in a week at least.

I choose this web page because is a good tool to know other things, from my computer.
 In this web page I can search all type of things. From music (of all kind) to information about cultures (in all the world). You can find news, karaoke, amateur videos, documentary, etc.
I like this web page because when I study I can search relax music from You Tube and I`m  feel so comfortable and relax.
For example when I want to sing I search Francisca Valenzuela and I sing her songs.
Another good thing about this web page, it is I can search information about my career and complementing with my study.
By other hand  I can upload online videos creating an account and then people can leave comments about yours videos.
To finish I upload a video that I like very much about the struggle hard to get on in life...
The web site it is www.youtube.com (but I think we all known this).
Well I hope you can enjoy You Tube and "broadcast yourself".

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

.....¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Why do I want to be a Vet????????.....

I lived all my life with animals. Since I was child I take care of different pets, like dogs and birds. I’m an animal lover. I think that these are the first thoughts about why I chose “to be a vet”.

Since the preparatory school I know that I will be a vet. I cured my pets when I was child. I helped them when they had puppies until the end when the baby dogs had to go with different families.
I have pets and I love them. I like dogs and horses; they are the principal reason of my election. I will like to dedicate to them in the future.
Also, I like odontology, obstetrics, nursing and hairdressing, things that I can complement with the veterinarian career because they need the same care that us. Only bad people think that they don’t need the same care that us.
What can I say about the other animals? I like wild animals and I like to know the ethology of them, his behavior and why they have this behavior.

In general this year has been a little bipolar and everyone doesn’t know what to do.
In this end of semester we are very tired because the summer time and the tests of different subjects are very stressful. But also we have a pool to weather the heat, luckily.
I realized here, in the university, that I like this career in spite of everything.
 I hope it stays that way.