lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

"You Tube" My favorite site on internet

Hi there!
Today I`m going to write about my favorite site on internet.
Is difficult to me put as first place on the top five ranking something that is not Facebook. But well here I go...
In "second-first place" I choose You Tube.

I don`t remember when I knew this page, but I think was on 2000`s when I was a young girl.
 Usually I visit YouTube website two or three twice in a week at least.

I choose this web page because is a good tool to know other things, from my computer.
 In this web page I can search all type of things. From music (of all kind) to information about cultures (in all the world). You can find news, karaoke, amateur videos, documentary, etc.
I like this web page because when I study I can search relax music from You Tube and I`m  feel so comfortable and relax.
For example when I want to sing I search Francisca Valenzuela and I sing her songs.
Another good thing about this web page, it is I can search information about my career and complementing with my study.
By other hand  I can upload online videos creating an account and then people can leave comments about yours videos.
To finish I upload a video that I like very much about the struggle hard to get on in life...
The web site it is (but I think we all known this).
Well I hope you can enjoy You Tube and "broadcast yourself".

3 comentarios:

  1. YouTube is a very good website, I like too this place.

  2. Vanina is also my favorite youtube website I find absolutely right in everything you wrote

  3. i like this website... a lot to watch!! :)
