jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

...... Summer Holidays *_*.......

Hi everybody! Today I will write about my summer holidays as my final post for you :)
Mmmm... When I was a child I remember that I always liked to sleep to 12 or 1 o`clock p.m.zzzz.... . Well also I went with my family to Pichicuy. It´s a Valparaíso`s beach. In that place my parents rented a house and we enjoyed the sea, the sun, and to be all together.
Also, I went with my family to the country for to visit my relatives, in Til-Til. There is a very good place to become in "Indiana jones" and get out exploring.

In this month like all of you (I think) I feel really tired, dreaming the summer holidays, etc. And the only day that I want is the February third, because on that date at five o`clock, I go to my free days, the summer holidays.... my precious days of rest....
My plans are, in the first place, go with my boyfriend´s family to Viña del Mar, and then go back to Santiago and again go out to Coquimbo to visit my brother and his family.
Also I have to study to others test that I have.

In some years more I would like to visit Palawan, a Philippine island, (I published more about these before), I think is something achievable in some years more. Working hard I will be millionary (I hope so).
Also I want to be a hermit and walk around the world visiting no overdrafts places.

2 comentarios:

  1. I love viña del mar the problem is that it's all there santiago and at the end as being in santiago but with beach

  2. Hi Vanina!
    In my study tour visit Coquimbo know I really liked the North of Chile, Coquimbo has many fascinating tourist attractions really !
